
Maternal health is a topic that is frequently shadowed in the transportation industry. Presently, it is rare to find a study examining female health, most notably female pregnancy, in truck drivers. The effects of long-haul truck driving on pregnancy are not well understood. This project aims to shed some light on maternal health in the industry while simultaneously creating informational resources for all females, and to expand and initiate carrier guidelines to improve conditions and health nationally. Utilizing the science of epigenetics, health of today's generation deeply affects those of tomorrow. By improving the health of pregnant women in the industry today, we are also improving the health of their children and grandchildren. Please take a moment to complete this survey in order to help us determine what areas should be addressed in our informational resources for women in trucking.

Disclaimer: Surveys will be kept completely anonymous to ensure the privacy of all participants. Participants may exit the survey without completion at any point and will not be penalized. The data from this survey will be used to create complementary informational resources for female long-haul truck drivers. Our main objective with this data collection is to create a more inclusive environment while simultaneously improving maternal health in the industry. By participating in this survey, you will be assisting with determining what topic should be covered and what the demographic is. Thank you so much for your time.

By beginning this survey, you are acknowledging that you understand the information from this survey will be used for the creation of an informational resources for female drivers. You are also acknowledging that you understand you may leave the survey without penalty at any point in time. Lastly, you are acknowledging that all information from this survey will be kept completely anonymous. Results from this survey will not be shared with employers or linked to participants in any way.

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